Islam's persuasive obsession!
Islam is not permissible in some way. Namely
1- Except the dust of the Quran with the thornbite, it is only to be hankered by copper, brass or iron. That means, only by hanging them, they will be able to get rid of diseases.
2-Such a talent that records the names of God, verses of the Quran, and shirk words without the permission of the du'a.
3-Tazija's dream of conquering Mu'assa and the ability to heal itself is the ability to heal. This belief was in the ignorance era, even today some ignorant people of Islam think of it.
4- The words of the words that are not understood by the meaning of the words are subtle.
5-Arabic, without any other language written in a subtle way
These tunes are forbidden and unlawful and shirk according to unanimous terms. There is no doubt about it.
But if the verses of the Quran are in the name of Allah, the name of Allah or the Shura-Mukta meaning it must be done. It is nothing but ignorance and ignorance of shirk. Because it is considered to be the power of cure of muasasa and cure of these immersion. It is not presumed, for example, because of the medicine given by the doctor, because of Mujahid's victory in Allah. If you think that medicines betrayed by MUSSAAS, medication will also be polytheism and forbidden.
The documents of Ahl al Sunnat Wal Jamaat
عن عمرو بن شعيب, عن أبيه, عن جده, أن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم كان يعلمهم من الفزع كلمات: «أعوذ بكلمات الله التامة, من غضبه وشر عباده, ومن همزات الشياطين وأن يحضرون» وكان عبد الله بن عمر يعلمهن من عقل من بنيه, ومن لم يعقل كتبه فأعلقه عليه
Amr Ibn Shu'ayb narrated from his father and his grandfather that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said, "When someone of you is awake while sleeping, let him like him, he should be like him." Do it. Abdullah ibn Amr taught his appropriate children and wrote down the words of the young ones. {Sunan Abu Daud, Hadith No.-3895}
This hadith has been mentioned in plain language, that Abdullah bin Amr bin Ras used to write down the Tabiaj for his foolish children.
Those who say that all talents are polytheism, then Abdullah bin Amr bin Ras has shirk? NUJUBILLA!
What is the answer to the hadith that has been called unlawful shirk?
Fatawa can not be given to the Hadith after seeing it. It has to be wise about the hadith. In the hadith containing prohibition of Tabeze, the Tabiaz has been banned, which have been mentioned earlier. We have already mentioned 5 types of bans mentioned earlier. The only purpose of the prohibition is in the Hadith. That is why Abdullah bin Amr bin Ras used to amuse his children. So that none of the specified conditions exists.
See what the wise Olema and Fakihaha said?
Allama Ibn Hazar Askalani writes in Bukhari Sharif's book, Fath al-Barii:
والتمائم جمع تميمة وهي خرز أو قلادة تعلق في الرأس كانوا في الجاهلية يعتقدون أن ذلك يدفع الآفات والتولة بكسر المثناة وفتح الواو واللام مخففا شيء كانت المرأة تجلب به محبة زوجها وهو ضرب من السحر وإنما كان ذلك من الشرك لأنهم أرادوا دفع المضار وجلب المنافع من عند غير الله ولا يدخل في ذلك ما كان بأسماء الله وكلامه
Tamayam is the word plural of the Tamima word. Which beads or necklace resemblance. The head hangs on. It was believed in the age of ignorance that it could be ensured by the danger, women used them to get the husband of Mohabbat. This is a type of magic. It is a part of shirk. Because it is intended to be endangered and benefitted from others other than Allah. But it will not be included in this shirk which is the name or the name of Allah in the Tabeiz Poetry. {Fath al Bari-1/166, section of Jharkhand}
Mullah Ali Qari Raha said:
إذا كتب له النشرة وهي كالتعويذ والرقية والمراد بالضمير البارز في قوله فقال أي النبي هو من عمل الشيطان النوع الذي كان أهل الجاهلية يعالجون به ويعتقدون فيه وأما ما كان من الآيات القرآنية والأسماء والصفات الربانية والدعوات المأثورة النبوية فلا بأس بل يستحب سواء كان تعويذا أو رقية أو The Prophet صلى الله عليه
If the paper is like Tabeze. This is the purpose of the Prophet's words, "This is the act of satanic action" in which the treatment was done in the time of the ignorance and on whom it was relying. And what is in the Qur'an.
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